The Word of God

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I am so grateful for the Word of God!

Many people have heard my testimony, where I have often shared about the encounter I had with the Holy Spirit that changed my life.

In 2003, I stepped into a Church as a drug addict who was messed up, mentally ill and filled with demons. On that day, I had a power encounter with the Holy Spirit, where I was delivered in a moment. But what followed was just as important; it was discipleship.

I fell in love with the Word of God. I fell so in love with the Bible to the point I couldn’t put it down. I would read the Bible for hours and hours, sometimes up to eight hours a day. This itself was a miracle because before I was saved, I hated to study. I hated reading. In fact, I had never finished a book before the Bible! Before being saved, I was told I had A.D.D. I couldn’t focus on what I was reading or what I was learning in school; my mind would wander. I would actually get my Mum to complete my homework for me because I struggled so much with my concentration. But after I had that power encounter and I was delivered and healed, I fell in love with the Bible, and I couldn’t put it down.

That was a huge part of my transformation. I had an initial power encounter with the Holy Spirit, but becoming a student of the Word of God is what caused me to grow. The Bible says we are to be “transformed” by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:3). I’m so grateful that my mind was being washed with His Word and that it ignited a mighty transformation in my life.

There's a well-known quote from an anonymous author that says, "The Bible is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions."

The Bible is God's authoritative Word. It draws us into closeness with Him and brings authentic transformation. This is why it's important to feed ourselves on the scriptures every day, allowing Him to speak to us and shape our lives.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

Jesus is the Word of God, and the Bible is not separate from God. In fact, Jesus said not one jot or tittle will pass away (Matthew 5:18), and that the Word of God will endure forever (1 Peter 1:25). The Word of God is both Old and New Testament, and it’s important to understand that the God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament. Scripture is inerrant and is the authoritative rule of faith and conduct, applicable for our every day lives. When we are following the scriptures, and are obedient to them, we are actually following Jesus. It’s not a legalistic thing; it’s a love thing. The Bible says that those who love God obey His commandments (1 John 5:3).

John 4:34 (KJV)
Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Jesus teaches us that solid food is to do the Will of the Father. How do we know the Will of the Father? The best way, of course, is the written Word of God. When we hear God’s instruction through the Bible, it feeds our spirit like a drink of milk. But when we do the will of the Father, it grows us into mature saints that feast on meat and solid food.

James 1:22
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

God doesn’t want us to remain as babies, once we’re born-again, He wants us to grow in maturity. Following the instructions of James here, will be one of the fastest ways you could grow in your spiritual walk. It’s really simple, don’t just be hearers, which is like drinking milk, but be doers of God’s Word. Doing God’s Word is like eating solid food.

Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

We must feed our spirits on the Word of God. Here Jesus shows us that the Word is a spiritual weapon against the devil. One of the ways the devil tries to attack Christians is by twisting the Word of God. This is what he is attempting to do to Jesus in this chapter. Jesus responds to this attack with, “It is written”. The Word is a sword, and it also helps activate the shield of faith that extinguishes the fiery darts from the wicked one (Ephesians 6:16 & Romans 10:17).

In my life, the Word of God was essential to my ongoing healing and transformation. When we feed on the Word of God, we will live our day to day life in joy and peace. This is a supernatural joy that’s unspeakable (1Peter 1:8) and a heavenly peace so powerful that it passes human understanding (Philippians 4:7). Over the years, we have found Christians that are not daily in the Word of God struggle to walk in joy and peace. So my prayer is that there will be such an impartation of supernatural hunger for His Word. You will feel like Jeremiah when he said, “But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9 NIV).

Want more? Check out the rest of the lecture for free at our online Bible School!

At the Bible Revival Online School, our heart is to release selected content completely for free! If God has been speaking to you through this month’s devotional “Who We Were, Who We Are”, we encourage you to enrol into our Free Resources, with a range of lectures available now!

Also part of our Free Resources module are teachings on The Prophetic, The Word of God, The Power of the Gospel, and more! For those of you desiring to dive deeper into the Word and have access to all our content, we offer our twelve-month program called Deep-Dive With Coaching.

The ‘Deep Dive With Coaching’ includes:

  • Personal Orientation Session where we will set out to tailor your personalised coaching plan.

  • Fortnightly Group Coaching via live video conferencing: talk about how you're going with activations, quizzes, go over questions, the progress report from lectures, struggles, testimonies

  • Upon successful completion of 18 modules, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded

  • Frequent newly added content

  • General team interaction via the comments and email during business hours (Tuesday to Friday 9am-4pm)

  • Bonus all-in zoom meetings

  • Potential to be a part of an internship program during the second year

  • VIP invite for an annual retreat and other special events, such as special breakout rooms for students at conferences, during the year (dependent on Covid-19 restrictions). If you have any questions or would like to join one of our information video conferences, please email 

Daniel Hagen