

daniel hagen

+ Can I book Daniel Hagen?

Yes, you can make a booking request here.

+ Does it cost to have Daniel come and speak at my event?

As Daniel has to travel quite a bit we do ask that you cover his accomodation, travel and food for the event. Daniel does not charge a fee for ministry engagements. He is happy to receive a ministry honorarium or love offering of the host ministry’s choice.


bible revival

+ Does the Deep Dive School have a start date?

No, each student's 12 month course begins on their sign up date.

+ Is the Deep Dive With Coaching a one off payment?

No, it is a 12 month subscription payment and there are 3 different payment options available.

+ What time zone is the coaching done in?

All the coaching and meetings will be done in Australia Eastern Time (AET) unless specified otherwise.

+ Is the coaching done online or in person?

All the coaching is done online using video conferencing.

+ Do I need to come in, in person, for any aspects of the Deep Dive?

There will be no compulsory sections or activities that require you to come in, in person. We will, however, on occasion send out VIP invites to Deep Dive Students for special break out rooms at conferences, retreats, evangelism days, and other events that will be at a variety of locations. These events will not be compulsory.

+ Can the Deep Dive be done whilst working or studying full time?

It is designed so that those who work or study full time are still able to be a part of the course. It will take discipline and intentionality but it is designed to not be a stressful burden.