daniel hagen


In 2003, Daniel Hagen had a radical encounter with Jesus Christ that changed everything. Walking away from a world of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll, he surrendered fully to God, and his life and music were never the same. As a rising musician, Daniel’s band was on the verge of signing a six-figure record deal when he was told: “This industry is full of drug dealers and pimps, so you need to stop talking about Jesus if you want more funds invested into the band.”Unwilling to compromise, Daniel immediately walked away from fame and fortune to pursue his true passion— knowing Jesus and making Him known to the nations.


Daniel immediately walked away from the life of fame and fortune so that he may pursue his true passion: knowing the Father more, and making Him known to the nations.


Having found the One his heart was made for, Daniel was compelled to share the life-giving message of Jesus Christ with anyone who would listen. He began leading teams onto the streets to preach the gospel and demonstrate God’s love. In 2007, he was released from the ministry he served to plant churches. Alongside his wife, Chelsea Hagen, he spent over a decade pioneering and leading churches in Queensland and Victoria. Now stepping into a new season of full-time music, evangelism, and revival ministry, Daniel is dedicated to seeing souls saved, believers set on fire for Jesus, and the body of Christ united in worship and gospel proclamation.


Now stepping into a new season of full-time music, evangelism, and revival ministry, Daniel is dedicated to seeing souls saved, believers set on fire for Jesus, and the body of Christ united in worship and gospel proclamation.


Through Daniel Hagen Ministries, he is blending worship, media, and evangelism, calling a generation to bold faith and authentic encounters with God. His ministry has played a key role in large-scale revival events, including Awakening Australia and Awakening Europe, where he has seen thousands encounter the presence of God, be healed, and commit their lives to Christ. His music carries a prophetic and anthemic sound—equipping believers to break free from the fear of man and live for the One who is worthy of all praise. Daniel and Chelsea currently live in Queensland, Australia, with their family. 

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