First Name
Last Name
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Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Phone Number
God is seeking a generation that will give their yes to Him! Our heart is to see young people equipped to walk in their identity as sons and daughters. No matter how young you are, God knows your name and wants to empower you to impact this world for His Kingdom. If you’re someone between the ages of 12 and 17, or someone who has a heart for youth ministry, then we would love to hear from you.
I am 12-17 and interested in being a part of the youth!
I am interested in being a part of leading youth!
Young Adults
Being a young adult is that awkward stage of life where you still have your looks but now you have to pay the bills. Lets walk this journey together and grow deeper into all that God is calling us to!
I am Interested in being a part of the young adults
I am interested in hosting or leading young adults
Kids Ministry
It is so important to sow into the next generation. Do you have a passion to lead and raise up the next generation?
Yes I want to be involved in discipling the kids!
Kingdom Business Community
Do you have a heart to bring the kingdom into your business, to see your business impact the kingdom? Do you want to be a part of an on fire community of like minded people?
Yes, I am interested in being a part of this Kingdom Business Community
Prayer and Prophetic
Do you have a passion for intercession and want to flow in the prophetic? Ministering to people is an important part of any church, and interceding together is so key to our victories!
I am interested in joining the prayer and prophetic ministry
Usher/ Helps/ Hospitality
There are so many jobs that are involved in running a church and being welcomed at the door can make such a difference when someone is first visiting a church! Do you have a passion to see the house of God flourish and would you like to serve in various ways?
Yes I am passionate about helping in any way to see the house flourish!
Worship/ Creative/ Multimedia
Are you passionate about worship? Can you mix at the sound desk or operate lights? Are you passionate about media or creative expressions? This team is all about bringing God glory through displays of our God given creativity in all the many outlets!
Yes, I am passionate about worship
Yes, I am passionate about creativity
Yes, I am passionate about multimedia, sound or lights
We have such a heart for the lost and want to be not only outreach as a lifestyle in our personal time but also going out as a team!
I am keen to be a part of a regular outreach team
I am keen to lead outreach and help equip others
House Fires
It is important to be continually encouraging and doing life together. Not only on a Sunday but also during the week!
I am interested in joining a House Fire Group!
I would be interested in Hosting/leading a House Fire Group